Monday 30 May 2011

Sunny Day Stuff

Finally, after weeks of rain and cool weather, we had blue skies and warm summer sunshine today. I was visually receptive to anything that seemed as bright as the day - like these giant daisies in a store window, all in a row, yellow and white.

Then I saw this goofy face on the bottom of a lamp post. I have probably walked past this particular lamp post hundreds of times but today the silly face (heavens knows how it got there) really struck me. Just kinda dumb and funny on a sunny day.

These dolls in a store front display made me laugh. They are called Little Thinkers and, from left to right, there is a Gandhi doll, a Barack Obama doll, a Pablo Picasso doll and a Salvador Dali doll . They look like they've been partying and maybe arguing and are now getting ready to leave. Except for Picasso, who looks like he's had a bit too much and is lying back while the doll behind puts a hand on his head. Aren't they great?

1 comment:

Knatolee said...

I got Gordon a Frank Lloyd Wright Little Thinker doll! :) He loves FLW's work. I hadn't seen the Obama one! Picasso is such a lush.