Monday 21 May 2012

Three Things I Love About the Month of May

May is one of the best months of the year. It serves as the bridge between spring and summer, so the unpredictable weather of spring is over (we know we won't have any more snow), but it isn't as hot as true summer yet. Also, we still have a month before the summer solstice when, unfortunately, the days begin to get shorter. So for now, we can enjoy this best of months when days are still getting longer and nature is still unfolding. There are three things that I really love about May - they don't happen in any other month of the year - and they are:

...the sight of flowering Crabapple trees. They look spectacular when they are all covered with flowers. This one is just a baby. I planted it last year (with help from my friend Mac - thank you Mac), and I am so impressed with all the flowers on it this year. 

...the smell of lilacs. I was home at my place in the country this past long weekend and I spent most of my time outside, happily inhaling the wonderful perfume of my two lilac trees. Marvelous! 

...the taste of fiddle heads. I have been eating them as much as possible because they don't last long, and they taste so good steamed, with a bit of butter and pepper on them. Yum!

I am sure there are other wonderful things that make May special, but these three are enough for me to declare it one of my favourite months. What are your favourite things about the month of May?


Jenny said...

So many great things about May. Some special things: trilliums, Rose-breasted grosbeaks, getting back into the gardens, lilacs, bright green tree leaves and just the perfect temp. to enjoy everything. My second name is May so I guess it was a special month for my Mom too.

Ronna said...

I love everything EXCEPT the blackflies!!

Grumpy Penguin said...

The Stanley Cup playoffs, the first long weekend of summer, the beginning of camping season, and my birthday! ;)